Ghosting: A Strategy of Avoidance

The anglicisms used to illustrate certain phenomena observed in virtual exchanges have surprising meanings. Far from indicating a mundane behavior, they carry meanings that reveal deeper characteristics about their users. This week, we will try to understand what “ghosting” is, which shares common traits with “breadcrumbing.” The ...

Breadcrumbing: Love in the Age of Digital Manipulation

The term “breadcrumbing” is a borrowed English expression that arises from contemporary affective relationships, characterized by the virtual nature of exchanges and the immediacy of interactions. Its origin can be traced to the story of Little Thumb, where the protagonist leaves a trail of breadcrumbs to find his way. Much like Perrault's ...

Growing Up Masked: The Psychological Challenges of a Confined Childhood

The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted societies on an unprecedented scale, deeply altering ingrained customs and daily social interactions. Children, navigating crucial phases of their psychological and identity development, were confronted with a world of masked faces, limited social interactions and new anxieties. For infants, the human face is the ...

The Fragmented Self: When Social Media and AI Redefine the Psyche

The virtual world, driven by artificial intelligence and social media, is profoundly reshaping the human psyche. Through this digital lens, identity fractures, narcissism intensifies, subjective truth falters, and the way we connect with others is redefined. Identity formation depends on a balance between internal psychological reality and the ...

Why Do Crowds Submit to Charismatic Leaders?

Crowds succumb to the illusion of power, captivated by charismatic leaders who activate unconscious psychological mechanisms. From identification to regression, psychoanalysis sheds light on this fascinating collective alchemy, where reason and free will give way to irrational devotion. The spectacle of crowds, united in a collective fervor ...

Loss as the “Little Death” of the Psyche: An Anatomy of the Narcissistic Wound

Loss, in its psychic dimension, can reveal a fundamental fragility within our being. Whether personal or collective, it does more than disrupt our balance—it can jeopardize our very sense of identity. In these critical moments, to lose becomes synonymous with losing oneself, exposing a profound narcissistic vulnerability. In fact, excessive ...

Deciphering the Ostrich Policy

The expression “burying one’s head in the sand” describes a person who refrains from facing reality. While this phrase does not do justice to ostriches at all, in humans, it involves denial, an unconscious defense mechanism. It consists of refusing to acknowledge an unbearable reality, whether external or internal. We all use this mechanism ...

Is Hope Bound to Lead to Disillusionment?

Is hope bound to lead to disillusionment? This fundamental question shapes our individual and collective lives, from the intimacy of the psychoanalytic couch to the political upheavals that shake public squares, to the conjugal bedrooms where the dramas of love unfold. Psychoanalysis, through its various theoretical currents, offers valuable ...

To What Extent Can a Leader Make Independent Decisions?

Far from being purely rational actors, leaders—like all human beings—are constantly influenced by unconscious forces that shape their choices, distort their perceptions, and foster illusions of control. The freedom each person believes they possess is, in truth, far more constrained than it appears. Every individual constructs their own ...

Harassment: A Symptom of a Sick Society?

Harassment, a devastating phenomenon that infiltrates both personal and professional spheres, reveals a complex mechanism where a profound psychological tragedy unfolds. Beyond appearances, it is an expression of unconscious dynamics where human fragility is revealed in its full opacity. Beneath the harasser's apparent confidence lies a deep ...

New Leadership for a New President?

At the heart of psychoanalytic theory on power lies the central issue of narcissism. Leaders who feel intrinsically inadequate or inferior often seek to overcompensate by exerting excessive control over their surroundings. This compulsive need for dominance can push them to overstep their authority, elevating themselves above common laws. To ...

Lebanon, a Nation Suffering from Its Leaders

Amid the turmoil Lebanon is enduring, the psychological factors at play, which are crucial, are often overlooked. At the root of this profound crisis lies a political class responsible for the current decay, a class whose psychological dysfunctions border on true mental pathologies. Stuck at an infantile stage of development, the men and women in ...

'The Unconscious Is Politically Incorrect, and Sexuality Fundamentally Harassing'

"The unconscious is politically incorrect, and sexuality fundamentally harassing." This quote by psychoanalyst Jacques André reminds us how psychoanalysis remains a subversive discipline, shedding light on the darkest and most disturbing foundations of the human psyche. Far from complacency or moralizing, it confronts us with the radical ...

'Becoming an Adult Is Recognizing, with Minimal Pain, That Santa Claus Doesn't Exist'

"Becoming an adult is recognizing, without minimal much pain, that Santa Claus doesn't exist." This quote from the renowned astrophysicist and philosopher of science Hubert Reeves offers, with remarkable insight, accuracy and compassion, a reflection on a key moment in individual psychological development: the day a child discovers that Santa ...

Syrian Prisons: Programmed Dehumanization

Tortured and broken in the prisons of the Syrian regime, detainees are stripped of their humanity. Devastating traumas and challenges in reintegration: psychoanalysis and the humanities shed light on the mechanisms of inevitable dehumanization and outline the difficult paths of reconstruction, at the crossroads of the personal and the ...

'Tyrants Are Great Only Because We Are on Our Knees'

"Tyrants are great only because we are on our knees." This quote about individual and collective voluntary subjugation is attributed to Étienne de La Boétie, author of Discourse on Voluntary Servitude. Published in 1576, the text presents remarkably modern insights into the foundations of tyranny and the reasons for people's submission, ...

René Kaës: It Is Through Crisis That Man Fully Becomes a Man

If we consider Lebanon to be in a post-war period, despite a fragile ceasefire, the crisis — described by René Kaës as a foundational experience — opens a transformative space between rupture and suture. “It is through crisis that a man creates himself as a man, and history moves between crisis and resolution, ...

The War Within the Couple: A Reflection of Lebanon's War?

Testimony "Once, our apartment at Galerie Semaan was a peaceful haven. Now, it feels like a real pressure cooker. The atmosphere in our home has completely changed. My husband yells over the smallest things. I do too, actually. Yesterday, we argued simply because the kids were making too much noise while playing— as if noise could still bother ...

Shock and Survival: A Testimony of War and Trauma in Lebanon

 "I live in a neighborhood not far from areas that are frequently bombarded. Every day, I am immersed in constant terror. The incessant shelling, the persistent drone hum in the sky, and the whistling of missiles create an exhausting state of hyper-vigilance, fraying our nerves. At the slightest noise, I jump violently, my heart ...

The Good and the Bad: Two Sides of the Same Coin

"The good only dream of what the bad actually do." This quote from Plato, later referenced by Freud, could be seen as an epitome of The Interpretation of Dreams, the cornerstone of Freud's theory that a dream is a disguised fulfillment of a repressed desire. For Freud, dreams, like fantasies, play a crucial role in the human unconscious. ...

Can We Live with Our Traumas?

As we wrote in our previous article, trauma causes a psychic collapse, a shock that leaves a person unsteady, defenseless against the seismic breach and the abrupt rupture in their sense of continuity of existence. Lebanese people have been living for far too long in a trauma-inducing environment. The repeated situations of hot and cold wars, ...

‘An Inner Cataclysm’: The Ordeal of Survivors of Attacks and Wars

Simon Fieschi, former webmaster of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, was found dead on Thursday, October 17, 2024. The causes of his death remain unknown. He had been critically injured during the attack on January 7, 2015, in Paris.  His death brings back into focus the heavy psychological toll paid by survivors of attacks or wars, ...

At the Heart of Desire: Death

“The function of desire must remain in a fundamental relationship with death.” – J. Lacan Desire is always born from a lack, from an absence. It expresses the nostalgia for a lost wholeness, for an original state of satisfaction that we seek to rediscover throughout our lives. Yet, this desire is insatiable by nature, as its object is ...

Talking About War with Your Children: A Necessity, Not an Option

War has taken hold of our country, and it seems likely to go on, with its devastating consequences both collectively and individually. Our environment is saturated with the rumble of bombings, shell explosions, sonic booms and other terrifying sounds.  Everyone, whether near or far from the war zones, is experiencing the exhausting effects of ...

War: A Reflection of the Leaders’ Unconscious

Every week, we invite you to explore a striking theme to reveal its depth and richness. These lapidary, often provocative formulas open up new perspectives on the intricacies of the human psyche. By deciphering these quotes with rigor and pedagogy, we invite you on a fascinating journey to the heart of psychoanalytic thought to better understand ...

Freud: 'Civilizational Hypocrisy, the Price of Social Adaptation'

Every week, we invite you to explore a striking theme from a great psychoanalyst to reveal its depth and richness. These lapidary, often provocative formulas open up new perspectives on the intricacies of the human psyche. By deciphering these quotes with rigor and pedagogy, we invite you on a fascinating journey to the heart of psychoanalytic ...

Bruno Bettelheim: “Love Is Not Enough”

Every week, we invite you to explore a striking theme from a great psychoanalyst to reveal its depth and richness. These lapidary, often provocative formulas open up new perspectives on the intricacies of the human psyche. By deciphering these quotes with rigor and pedagogy, we invite you on a fascinating journey to the heart of psychoanalytic ...

'When Someone Speaks, It Gets Brighter'

Every week, we invite you to explore a striking theme from a great psychoanalyst to reveal its depth and richness. These lapidary, often provocative formulas open up new perspectives on the intricacies of the human psyche. By deciphering these quotes with rigor and pedagogy, we invite you on a fascinating journey to the heart of psychoanalytic ...

“Whichever Way One Goes About It, One Always Does It Wrong”

Every week, we invite you to explore a striking theme from a great psychoanalyst to reveal its depth and richness. These lapidary, often provocative formulas open up new perspectives on the intricacies of the human psyche. By deciphering these quotes with rigor and pedagogy, we invite you on a fascinating journey to the heart of psychoanalytic ...