Joseph Aoun

Council of Ministers Approves Extension of Joseph Aoun's Term in Office

The Cabinet meeting held at the Grand Serail on Tuesday ended without any appointments being made to the Military Council. On the other hand, the 19 ministers present approved the law passed by Parliament on Friday, delaying the retirement of Army Commander General Joseph Aoun. This law will become effective once it has been published in the ...

Geagea: We Secured Internal Stability by Extending Army Commander's Term

Samir Geagea, chief of the Lebanese Forces (LF), stated on Monday that the opposition forces “prevented the country from stepping backward by focusing on fortifying the institutions, the army and the internal security forces, securing at least a measure of stability for the country and people over the past four years.” Geagea was referring to ...

Military Appointments May Be Raised at Cabinet Meeting Tuesday

Following the extension of army commander General Joseph Aoun’s mandate for a year, a council of ministers’ meeting, scheduled to take place on Tuesday, December 19, may look into the appointment of an army chief of staff and members of the military council. According to a political source “the matter is under consideration,” though it ...

J. Aoun's Mandate: A Skillful Political Maneuver

The tug-of-war lasted until the very end. Driven by the sovereignist faction's MPs — widely branded as the "opposition" — the Lebanese witnessed a cleverly orchestrated political drama. This culminated on Friday in a crucial parliamentary vote in favor of a proposed law deferring the retirement of active generals and division generals by one ...

A Broad Political Consensus Keeps Joseph Aoun in Office

Suspense that has been ongoing since the end of the summer was finally concluded today. By postponing for one year the retirement of the Army Commander and the directors of the Internal Security Forces (ISF) and General Security (GS) Generals Joseph Aoun, Imad Osman, and Elias Baissari respectively, Parliament asserted the reason of State on ...

Joseph Aoun’s Mandate: Council of Ministers Hands Over to Parliament

Will Parliament extend the mandate of Army Commander-in-Chief General Joseph Aoun, who is set to retire on January 10? Why did the caretaker government, convened unexpectedly last week for this purpose, fail to hold its meeting? Why did various ministers deliberately cause a lack of quorum, especially amid discussions of Hezbollah ministers ...

UK, US and Canadian Ambassadors in Yarze

Army Commander-in-Chief General Joseph Aoun conferred Thursday with the British, American and Canadian ambassadors within the framework of the High Level Steering Committee (HLSC) to discuss security on the Lebanese-Syrian border. A statement by the UK embassy said the talks also tackled the situation in South Lebanon and the importance of ...

Joseph Aoun's Mandate: The Moment of Truth on Friday

Although the various bills proposing to delay the retirement of the army's Commander-in-Chief, General Joseph Aoun, were not discussed at the legislative session on Thursday, the issue was on everyone's mind. The deferral of Gen. Aoun's mandate, which expires on January 10, is expected to occur on Friday. This would take place at a meeting of the ...

The Parliament Will Convene again at 6:00 PM

Speaker Nabih Berri adjourned shortly after 1: 00 PM, on Thursday, the parliamentary session devoted to extending the term of army commander General Joseph Aoun and reviewing a number of legislative texts. Parliament will convene again at 6:00 PM During the morning session, six bills were approved, including the replacement of the CNSS's ...

Al-Rai Meets KSA Ambassador About Possible Plot Against J. Aoun

Maronite Patriarch Bechara al-Rai, concerned about the potential non-extension of the army commander’s term, received Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Walid Bukhari in Bkerke on Wednesday. Bkerke’s media spokesman, Walid Ghayyad, revealed that the Patriarch stressed “the importance of extending General Joseph Aoun’s term in the national ...