
Audi Urges Immediate Presidential Election

In a poignant New Year message, the Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Beirut, Bishop Elias Audi, delivered a fervent call for the immediate election of a president in Lebanon. Presiding over the Divine Liturgy service at the Cathedral of Saint George in Nejmeh Square, the archbishop addressed the nation's challenges, expressing hope that 2024 would ...

Audi: Sliding Into War Threatens Lebanon's Existence and People

The Metropolitan of Beirut, Archbishop Elias Audi, declared on Sunday that Lebanon is suffering from a vacuum in administrations and institutions, facing difficulties due to economic deterioration and is at risk of sliding into war. He emphasized the need for wisdom and diplomacy to prevail over the noise of weapons and called for a just solution ...

Bishop Audi Denounces Hezb's Unilateral Decisions

The Metropolitan of Beirut, Bishop Elias Audi, denounced on Sunday "the unilateral decisions taken by a section of the Lebanese," in reference to the war waged by Hezbollah against Israel in southern Lebanon since October 8, in support of Hamas in its war against the Hebrew state in Gaza. Warning against the risk of the war spreading to Lebanon, ...

Audi Calls on Citizens to Hold MPs Accountable

Metropolitan Elias Audi called on the Lebanese to hold the MPs they elected accountable for the promises they made and failed to fulfill. "What encouraged them to do so is the citizens' reluctance to hold them accountable," he said. In his Sunday sermon, the Greek-Orthodox Metropolitan of Beirut lamented that it "seems like there is no real will ...

Rai and Audi Demand Justice for August 4 Victims

During their Sunday sermons, the Maronite Patriarch, Bechara al-Rai, and the Metropolitan Archbishop of Beirut, Elias Audi, referred to the August 4 Beirut port blast. Maronite Patriarch Bechara al-Rai demanded justice for the mothers of the victims of the Beirut port blast, while several of them attended the mass. “As long as people still ...

Audi: Electing a President Is Not Only a Christian Necessity but a National Duty

Metropolitan Archbishop of Beirut Elias Audi wondered about the identity of those who obstruct the election of a President "since everyone claims to facilitate the electoral process and calls for the vote to happen." "If all the MPs are convinced of holding the election, then why don't they head to Parliament and elect a President as stated in ...

Audi Denounces Corruption and Political Injustice

Metropolitan Elias Audi criticized Lebanon's leaders and accused them of being "responsible for the high level of corruption and dysfunction that has shaken Lebanon, and then washing their hands of their own actions." During his Sunday sermon, Bishop Audi lashed out against "a system marked by injustice and inequality." He particularly blamed ...

Audi: The Displaced Are Entitled to Dignity, but Not at the Expense of the Lebanese

The Archbishop of Beirut, Elias Audi, believes that displaced Syrians in Lebanon have the right to live in dignity, "in their own country, and not at the expense of the Lebanese." "Lebanon's salvation can only be at the hands of leaders who will put the country's interests above all others, disregarding their egoism, their personal interests, and ...

Audi: The Emperors of Our Time Are Worshippers of Wealth and Power

The Metropolitan of Beirut, Elias Audi, stated in his sermon on Sunday that "the emperors of our time claim faith and defend it, but they are nothing but worshippers of wealth and power." "Where are the accountable representatives of this nation when it comes to addressing the profound concept of true martyrdom, which embodies the ideals of love, ...

Audi's Easter Address: Need to Elect a President and for a Functioning Government

The Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Beirut, Bishop Elias Audi, emphasized the need to elect a president during his Easter Mass at St. George's Cathedral in Downtown's Nejmeh Square. "Our country requires officials who work for it and not for their interests, and the first duty of parliamentarians is to meet within the constitutional deadline to ...

Audi: Lebanon Will Rise Again

Beirut Greek Orthodox Archbishop Elias Audi affirmed in his Sunday homily that Lebanon will eventually “rise again, despite all the doubts.” “Just as (the apostle) Thomas doubted the resurrection of Jesus Christ, there are many who doubt Lebanon's ability to rise again,” he said, adding, “The forces of evil, corruption, and perdition ...

Audi: The Ambitions of Officials and Outsiders Weakened Lebanon's Immunity

Beirut Greek Orthodox Archbishop Elias Audi considered that "the ambitions of officials, rulers and leaders, and the ambitions of outsiders, have weakened Lebanon's immunity." In his Sunday homily, the archbishop mentioned that "leaders and rulers failed to fortify [Lebanon] against envy, hatred, greed and division, and against foreign ...