From Rish Qolo to Rish Kipo
Amine Jules Iskandar 23/03 11:16 - Reading : 7 minute(s)
Syriac chant is inherently democratic. The Mass is a shared experience, a horizontal dialogue between the officiant and the congregation. Chant is both a form of prayer and a foundation of the liturgy, practiced and known by the entire community. “In Syriac liturgical chant,” wrote the Benedictine Dom Jean Parisot in 1899, ...

Seventeen Centuries of Maronite Chants
Amine Jules Iskandar 08/03 13:10 - Reading : 5 minute(s)
How much do we know today about the musical heritage that emerged from the Levant and our mountains, enriching the West with its melodies and poetic depth? These hymns, which still echo beneath the vaulted ceilings of humble rural churches and in certain urban neighborhoods or suburbs, trace an unbroken lineage back to the 4th and 5th centuries. ...

The Old Testament Heritage of the Maronites
Amine Jules Iskandar 23/02 09:00 - Reading : 9 minute(s)
A large number of old churches and chapels in the Lebanese mountains feature the Star of David, engraved on keystones, spandrels, cornices, and even doorframes. In some cases, this motif also appears in private homes whose ornamentation draws inspiration from religious architecture. The star appears in various forms – sometimes on its own, ...

Federalism: An Ideal or a Threat?
Amine Jules Iskandar 16/02 10:00 - Reading : 5 minute(s)
“If the Shiite duo, Amal-Hezbollah, persists in refusing to abide by the laws and the Constitution, we will have no other choice but to raise the issue of federalism.” This phrase is repeatedly used as a threat, a form of blackmail wielded by certain Christian politicians. It implies that federalism is a lesser evil—unfortunate but ...

The Codex Rabulensis (3/3)
Amine Jules Iskandar 26/01 12:32 - Reading : 9 minute(s)
The Codex Rabulensis is a manuscript rich in history, similar to the layered strata of an archaeological site. Written in the year 586, it features annotations by Maronite patriarchs spanning from the 13th to the 15th century. Figures such as Daniel III of Hadshit (1278–1282) and Simeon V of Hadat (1492–1524), along with bishops and ...

The Codex Rabulensis 2/3
Amine Jules Iskandar 18/01 11:20 - Reading : 6 minute(s)
The Codex Rabulensis, a Syriac Maronite manuscript from the year 586, laid down — or codified — composition and representation models that would be adhered to until the Renaissance. Its importance stems not only from its precise date, which serves as a reference for other Christian manuscripts, but also from its role in establishing the ...

The Codex Rabulensis 1/3
Amine Jules Iskandar 2024-12-22 09:00 - Reading : 5 minute(s)
Manuscripts Codex Rabulensis Christian heritage
The Codex Rabulensis is the oldest illuminated manuscript with a precisely confirmed date, serving as a critical reference for dating other Christian works that lack colophons indicating their creation. This Syriac Gospel book has crossed over centuries, from the Monastery of Saint John in Beit-Zogba to the Maronite Patriarchate of Ilige, then to ...

The Quest to Turn Hezbollah into a Political Group
Amine Jules Iskandar 2024-12-08 11:00 - Reading : 5 minute(s)
Amal Hezbollah political party
After Nazism devastated Germany and Europe, leaving a trail of death across the Mediterranean basin and beyond, the war ended on May 8, 1945, with Nazi Germany’s surrender, followed by Japan’s capitulation on September 2, 1945. In the aftermath of the Allied victory, there was never any consideration of integrating the Axis powers – Nazi ...

Charles Malek (3/3)
Amine Jules Iskandar 2024-11-24 08:30 - Reading : 6 minute(s)
During his time in Germany where he trained under Martin Heidegger, Charles Malek immersed himself in German philosophy, particularly its Romantic phase spanning the late 18th and early 19th centuries. He delved into the works of Johann Gottfried von Herder and Johann Gottlieb Fichte, drawing significant insights from both. Herder emphasized the ...

Charles Malek 2/3
Amine Jules Iskandar 2024-11-16 10:00 - Reading : 5 minute(s)
After discussing the first three gifts –Mount Lebanon, Lebanon and Christian freedom of worship (as covered in the previous article) – Charles Malek then addressed what had been entrusted to the Maronites, hence mentioning the topics of Bkerke, Rome, liturgy and heritage. Fourth gift: Bkerke Malek explained that the Maronites have been ...

Charles Malek 1/3
Amine Jules Iskandar 2024-11-10 10:00 - Reading : 5 minute(s)
Lebanon Christians Human rights Maronites
Born in 1906 in northern Lebanon, in Bterram (meaning "the elevated village" in Syriac), Charles Malek waged a cultural battle for Lebanon and human rights until his death in 1987. His philosophy was deeply rooted in the values and principles of Christianity, which served as the foundation for his contribution to the drafting of the Universal ...