
Mansour Rahbani, a century later...

They were two—two distinct minds, two creators, two independent intellectuals. Yet an artistic symbiosis united them, rendering their names inseparable: the Rahbani Brothers. Composers, poets, and thinkers, they merged their visions without overshadowing one another. Assi and Mansour—one could not exist without the other. The poet gave ...

Baalbeck Recounts... The Musical Chehabism of the Rahbani Brothers

If a country had eyes, she would be its eyelids — fluttering like butterflies, grazing the dawn with their delicate wings to summon contemplation. A discreet yet all-consuming reflection on the landscape. The light awakens us, stirs us from lethargy, and intoxicates us. Beneath our hungry gaze, an idyllic land is instantly adorned with a ...