
The Codex Rabulensis (3/3)

The Codex Rabulensis is a manuscript rich in history, similar to the layered strata of an archaeological site. Written in the year 586, it features annotations by Maronite patriarchs spanning from the 13th to the 15th century. Figures such as Daniel III of Hadshit (1278–1282) and Simeon V of Hadat (1492–1524), along with bishops and ...

The Maronite Curse…

During World War I, a remarkable event, known as the Christmas Truce, occurred on Christmas Eve. Along the Western Front in Europe, opposing soldiers, without an official ceasefire or wide public announcement, gathered to share a meal in the spirit of Christmas. This holiday has the power to inspire miracles, provided faith is present. As Jesus ...

Canonization of the Massabki Brothers: A Triumph of Blood Ecumenism

Today, October 20, the universal Church has been graced with the addition of 14 new figures of holiness, including eleven martyrs: eight Franciscan religious and three Maronite laymen, the brothers Francis, Abdel Mohti, and Raphael Massabki.  All were brutally killed in Damascus during the night of July 9 to 10, 1860, for their refusal to ...