Iran Proxies: Sheer Folly

Bitterness, dismay, anger, and depression... The deep resentment often voiced publicly by Hezbollah supporters reflects the tragedy into which the pro-Iranian party forced Lebanon, against the country's will, a year ago. The Lebanese are acutely aware of being left to face the overwhelming Israeli war machine on their own. While this is not the ...

Editorial – At the Shiite Crossroads

  While the formula may seem outdated or overly simplistic, it is often employed to highlight pivotal moments in history and significant shifts. The “before” and “after” of September 27, 2024, is poised to reshape the geopolitical landscape, particularly for Shiite communities. The significance of Hassan Nasrallah’s assassination ...

Editorial: Southern Suburbs – A Tragic Turning Point

Speculations, some of them starkly explicit, have been circulating widely in the media and across social networks. Yet, few could have anticipated the staggering events that unfolded on the night of Friday, September 27, and into the early hours of Saturday. No one could have foreseen the brutal and devastating bombardment of Hezbollah’s central ...

Editorial – Lebanon and Regional Powers: A History of Alienation

  To summarize and provide the proper context for recent developments: On October 8, 2023, following Hamas' deadly attack on Israel, Hezbollah reignited the southern Lebanon front, which had been perfectly calm since August 2006. The stated reason for this unilateral move, taken against the will of a vast majority of the Lebanese people, was ...

Editorial – Israel vs. Hezbollah: Supremacy’s Weight

  Following the humiliating defeat of the Arab armies in the Six-Day War of June 1967, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser attributed the losses of Egypt, Jordan and Syria to Israel’s air supremacy. Since then, over the course of more than half a century, this air supremacy has grown exponentially, while Arab military capabilities have ...

The 17 September Attack: Taking the War to Another Dimension

An unprecedented strike that will surely be etched into the global history of warfare and precision-targeted military operations. The Israeli attack on 17 September likely involved electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) targeting the pagers used by Hezbollah's top leaders and elite fighters. The coordinated detonation of thousands of these devices across ...

Editorial – Moussaoui's Succinct Phrase: Laying All the Cards on the Table

  The strategy of gradual encroachment, aimed at progressively undermining, step by step, the various mechanisms of the State and the country's politico-communal framework… This is the unapologetic and ongoing approach adopted by Hezbollah. The Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Bechara Rai, succinctly captured this reality in his Sunday sermon ...

Editorial- The Warlike Rhetoric of the Iranian Axis : An Empty Shell

“There's many a slip between the cup and the lip” … Without indulging into misplaced cynicism, this old French proverb captures perfectly the political-military quagmire in which Hezbollah and its regional “sponsor” have long been entrenched. Both players, highly active on the Middle Eastern stage—and at times far beyond—consistently ...

Editorial - Iran: A Telltale Sign

This piece of information almost slipped under the radar… Yet, it holds significant symbolic value and could indicate a recent political shift in Iran. On August 27, former Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif announced that he was withdrawing his resignation from his position as Vice-President for Strategic Affairs. He had been ...

Moussa Sadr: The Charismatic Father of the Shia Awakening

The Libyan capital, August 25, 1978: Imam Moussa Sadr, the spiritual leader of the Lebanese Shia community and President of the Supreme Islamic Shia Council (SISC), along with two of his close associates Sheikh Mohammad Yacoub and journalist Abbas Badreddine, arrived in Libya at the invitation of then-leader Colonel Moammar Gaddafi. On August 31, ...

Editorial – Political Behavior and the Realities of Lebanon

  In his book Lebanon and the Surrounding Countries, the renowned historian Jawad Boulos—who played a key role in the Lebanese Front, a sovereignty-oriented group during the early stages of the war—argues that geography and the natural environment are fundamental factors in shaping the history of a nation. With the dramatic advancements ...

Editorial- Israel/Iran: Tehran's Bluff

In his famous work The Art of War, widely regarded as the oldest document on military strategy, the Chinese general Sun Tzu (6th century B.C.) explains that one can gain an upper hand over an enemy and win a battle without engaging in direct combat. This strategy involves tactics such as displays of force, deception, bluffing, or psychological ...

Editorial – August 4: Lebanon Held Hostage, for Whom and for What?

Four years have passed since the massive explosion at the Port of Beirut on August 4, 2020. The investigation remains stalled, as judges are unable to finalize it due to ongoing and barely concealed pressure and threats from Hezbollah. The August 4 apocalyptic explosion is one of the deadliest and most abhorrent examples of the systematic ...

Editorial – Iran's Expansionism and Collateral Damage

Another massacre, another senseless tragedy. This time, it’s the innocent lives of twelve children and teenagers that have been claimed by a missile strike in Majdal Shams, a Druze village in the Golan Heights under Israeli sovereignty. They were participating in, or merely watching, a soccer match. This horrific event underscores the ...

Fred’s Spirit

  The inception of Ici Beyrouth, along with the unique concept of this young media outlet, are inextricably linked to the lasting impact of Frédéric Domont. From its very beginning, he infused his vision into this venture, which started from scratch and swiftly became a prominent presence in the media landscape in less than three ...

Editorial – Middle East Escalation: Foolishness Reigns

The foolishness strategy is in full swing in the region—more than ever. On the night of July 17, the Israeli Knesset quietly passed a resolution rejecting the creation of a Palestinian State… This insidious move undermines the Biden administration just as it prepares to host Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week. American leaders are ...

Editorial – A World Adrift

“The world is (really) going to the dogs.” This brief, laconic reflection, expressed in an online post, is likely to become a common refrain on social networks. It alludes to a series of serious, historically significant events that are unfolding at an alarming pace in a feverish and deadly atmosphere all around the globe. The assassination ...

Editorial – Pezeshkian's Election: A Mere Facade?

  The election of the so-called “moderate” candidate Massoud Pezeshkian to the presidency of Iran on Friday is not a major surprise. The fact that his candidacy was approved this time by the central authorities, after being rejected in the 2021 presidential election, suggested that the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, Ali ...

Editorial- Iranian Presidency: Telling Indicators

  An election with little strategic significance, but undeniable symbolic importance... The presidential election held in Iran on Friday to choose a successor to Ebrahim Raisi, who died on May 19 in a helicopter crash while returning from Azerbaijan, has led to a runoff between the moderate reformist candidate, Massoud Pezeshkian, and the ...

Editorial – Threats Against Cyprus Impair Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

European Union Foreign Ministers and ten Mediterranean countries convened in Barcelona in November 1995 to launch a vast and ambitious geostrategic initiative with a vital socio-economic dimension, the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. The objective was to establish a zone of stability, prosperity, cooperation and peace encompassing the EU and ten ...

Editorial-The Arte Documentary: A Sin of Omission

The documentary titled “Casse du siècle au Liban,” or Heist of the Century in Lebanon, aired on Tuesday night on the Arte channel, is riddled with omissions and frequently neglects the imperative of intellectual honesty that should guide a journalist. It was truly a textbook case of information withholding, reality deformation, and blatant ...

Editorial - Scorn and Jungle Law‘s Reign

Advocating for the establishment of the rule of law in Lebanon may seem utopian, even somewhat naïve, given the current circumstances and the sweeping changes in the Middle East. However, is it too much to ask that the Lebanese at least aspire to be free from the jungle law and the laughable, grotesque reign of scorn and absurdity? In short, is ...

Macron’s Hazardous Move

A shockwave, a perilous and risky bet, set against the backdrop of the looming 2027 presidential election... Last night, to widespread astonishment, President Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the French National Assembly following the far-right's fulgurant victory in the European elections. Macron’s extremely daring move, aimed at ...

Editorial: Unraveling Mechanisms and Causes Obstructing Presidential Poll

  Was the recent conciliation mission in Beirut on May 28 and 29 by Jean-Yves Le Drian, President Emmanuel Macron's special envoy to Lebanon, a complete failure? Most local political commentators quickly concluded that it was. However, they may have been too hasty, as the answer to this question largely depends on the expectations set for ...

Editorial—Irrationality and Reckless Escalation in the Gaza Conflict

The Israeli-Arab conflict has endured for more than three-quarters of a century. Throughout these 75 years, certain Arab regimes and Palestinian organizations have tried to advance on the path of “liberating Palestine.” Or so they pretended to do, yet their endeavors were limited to theatrics and eloquent speeches, failing to materialize into ...

Editorial – Syrian Migrants: UNHCR's Double-Standards

  At the end of October 2023, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland decided to strengthen their cooperation to deport migrants residing illegally in their respective countries. French daily newspaper Le Figaro then quoted Danish Minister of Migration Kaare Dybvad Bek as stressing the collective interest of the Nordic countries in ...

Editorial – Raisi’s Disappearance: The Potential Shockwave in Lebanon

“The butterfly effect” refers to a phenomenon where an event occurring in one place can trigger significant consequences in a distant area. The Lebanese people have experienced this effect for decades. Now, they face it once again with the deaths of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hussein Amir-Abdullahian, ...

Editorial—Hezbollah's Disregard of South Lebanon's Populace

“Children in southern Lebanon are in dire need of an immediate ceasefire…” This is the real alarm voiced by UNICEF – Lebanon on social media channels earlier this week. The international organization bolstered its call with statistics that are alarming to say the least, regarding the repercussions of the armed conflict sparked on October ...

Editorial – 'Selective Outrage'

Hundreds of young people have recently occupied numerous campuses in the United States and some European countries, pitching tents in a similar scenario. This is a reminder of the 2006 occupation of downtown Beirut by Hezbollah and its local cohorts. Therefore, these young people are unwittingly the tree that hides the forest. On the surface, the ...

Editorial - The Martyrs of the Press: Lessons and Reflections

The annual commemoration of the Lebanese Press Martyrs' Day, on May 6th, serves as a solemn tribute to our fallen colleagues who courageously defended the principles of freedom of expression and the duty to inform. Beyond its symbolic significance, this occasion presents a chance to engage the public and media circles in a meaningful dialogue ...