Fouad Yammine: Crafting Storytelling on Stage

Among the rare talents endowed with a witty flair, Fouad Yammine stands out for his sharp writing, humorous touch and deep philosophical insights. His latest play, Hayyneh El Eisheh Heik (Life Is Easier This Way), is currently showing at Tournesol Theater.
Grounded and skillful, Fouad Yammine excels in the art of storytelling. His characters explore the depths of human experience, connecting everyday life to profound existential questions with a light touch.
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Discussing the concept of his play, Fouad Yammine shares, “The idea for the play comes from narratives based on my own experiences and those of my parents, as well as stories about craftsmanship in my village and beyond. These are woven into authentic yet fictional characters, where reality meets imagination to enrich the plot.”

He leaves it to the audience to uncover the full narrative. “The central theme revolves around the concept of authority, be it in school, within the family, religious institutions, or societal norms. It’s about the authority under which a child is nurtured,” he explains. The play spans from the sixties to the present in Lebanon, tracing the journey of a child into adulthood, allowing the audience to see how his life transitions from one phase to another.
Fouad Yammine is up-front about his writing process. “I write every single day; writing is as routine to me as eating, drinking and working. When I sit down to write a play, I can draft the text in a single session or up to three days. However, this speed comes after years of indirect preparation, pondering ideas, conducting research and collecting data,” he describes. He closely associates the act of writing with the dynamics of staging, ensuring that he considers each script stage-ready, though some facets are left to be resolved during rehearsals.
“The play itself is complete, but it's on stage, with the audience's engagement and imagination, that it truly comes to life,” he concludes.
Hayyneh El Eisheh Heik plays until September 22.
Marie-Christine Tayah
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