Cameron Paves the Way for British Palestine Recognition
©(Daniel LEAL, AFP)
British Foreign Minister David Cameron said that the UK is considering, with its allies, recognizing a Palestinian state, according to remarks reported by the BBC. This would be done as part of a precise diplomatic approach, aimed at achieving "irreversible progress" towards a two-state solution.

The head of British diplomacy, who is making his fourth visit to the region since his appointment in November 2023, is due to travel to the Sultanate of Oman later today.

Cameron said that Palestinians needed to be given a political horizon to encourage peace in the Middle East. "When that happens, we will look, with our allies, at the question of recognition of a Palestinian state, including at the United Nations," he said during an appearance at a Think Tank close to British Conservative circles.

"This could be one of the elements that will contribute to making this process irreversible," he added.

Cameron also said that the last 30 years had been marked by Israel's failure to ensure the security of its citizens.

Meanwhile, Cameron suggested that London could grant official diplomatic recognition to a Palestinian state, not as part of a final peace agreement, but earlier, during the negotiations.

The UK supports a two-state solution, but does not recognize Palestine as such.
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