After two years of presidential vacancy, General Joseph Aoun has been elected as the 14th President of the Lebanese Republic. His election ends a prolonged political deadlock, offering a ray of hope to a Lebanon in dire need of stability.
When considering the implementation of a ceasefire—fragile at best—a devastating war between Hezbollah and Israel, the second-largest non-nuclear explosion in history, an unprecedented economic collapse, an unparalleled political paralysis, an attack by ISIS on Lebanese soil, all compounded by Lebanon's deeply rooted sectarian tensions, one begins to grasp the immense challenges General Joseph Aoun has faced as the commander-in-chief of the army.
At 60 years old, married, and a father of two, Joseph Aoun is widely recognized for his modesty, honesty, integrity, and simplicity—qualities that have become increasingly rare in Lebanon’s political sphere.
Born on January 10, 1964, in Sin El-Fil, in the Metn district, he holds degrees in political science and military science. Joseph Aoun began his military career as a cadet officer in 1983 and steadily rose through the ranks. He has undergone numerous military training programs both in Lebanon and abroad, including in the United States, where he attended several courses, notably in counter-terrorism.
In 2015, he was appointed commander of the 9th Brigade stationed in southern Lebanon, before being tasked with the eastern sector along the Syrian border, where he handled the threat of ISIS.
Elevated to commander-in-chief of the Lebanese Army on March 8, 2017, Joseph Aoun has preserved the country’s last functioning institution.
General Aoun’s military journey is distinguished by numerous accomplishments.
Since assuming leadership of the Lebanese Army, Joseph Aoun has launched a campaign to tackle corruption within the military institution, thereby helping to preserve the army as one of the few functioning institutions in the country.
The general notably led the army during the acclaimed Fajr el-Jurud operation in 2017, which succeeded in removing ISIS fighters from Lebanese territory.
During the October 2019 protests, Joseph Aoun displayed considerable skill in handling the tensions shaking the country. By adopting a stance of neutrality and caution, he not only preserved the unity of the army but also prevented his soldiers from being caught in a difficult position, torn between their allegiance to the military institution and their support for the popular movement against corruption and political elites.
Following the devastating double explosions at the port of Beirut on August 4, 2020, the Lebanese Army emerged as the country’s most reliable and least corrupt institution, amid widespread mistrust of government institutions. As a result, many international donors opted to direct their aid straight to the army rather than through traditional government channels. Under Joseph Aoun’s leadership, the army took charge of organizing and distributing the aid, showcasing remarkable discipline and transparent management of the funds.
His discipline and integrity have earned him the trust of the international community, securing support from nations like the United States, France, and Qatar, which helped the Lebanese Army maintain its essential operations. In October 2020, a conference in Paris raised $200 million to assist the army, which had been forced to ration meat in soldiers' meals due to the economic crisis.
Another notable quality of General Aoun is his ability to navigate the deeply ingrained sectarianism within the country. On October 14, 2021, violent clashes broke out in Tayouneh between residents of the Christian neighborhood and Shiite militiamen from Hezbollah and the Amal Movement, who had entered the area. Seven militiamen were killed. Thanks to a statement from the army commander- in-chief, instructing his soldiers to open fire on anyone carrying a weapon, the Lebanese Army successfully prevented the situation from spiraling into a larger conflict.
More recently, Joseph Aoun played a central role during the clashes between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Although Hezbollah escalated its attacks, the Lebanese Army, under his leadership, sought to avoid direct confrontation with Israel and a full-scale war.
Moreover, Joseph Aoun has been a key figure in the implementation of the recently established ceasefire in Lebanon. Under his command, the Lebanese Army deployed troops in the south to secure the region, eliminate unauthorized munitions, and ensure the protection of civilians. The headquarters of the 5th Brigade, located near Naqoura in southern Lebanon, became a strategic hub for these security operations.
"The Lebanese Armed Forces are the legitimate guarantor of Lebanon's security," stated U.S. General Jasper Jeffers during an official visit. Alongside French General Guillaume Ponchin, he toured operations carried out by the Lebanese Army. Jeffers commended the speed and resolve of the Lebanese forces, highlighting their clear ability to defend the country.
After two years during which his name was frequently mentioned as a potential presidential candidate without success, General Joseph Aoun will finally celebrate his 61st birthday tomorrow at the Presidential Palace in Baabda. It remains to be seen whether, amidst Lebanon's tense situation, this election will prove to be a true gift for the new president.