Alain Delon: A Final Farewell in Private at Douchy
©Photo by Guillaume Souvant/AFP

This Saturday, August 24, far from the spotlight and cameras, a final tribute will be paid to Alain Delon. The iconic actor from The Leopard, who passed away on Sunday at the age of 88, will rest for eternity at his property in Douchy, in the Loiret region, surrounded by his loved ones and his beloved dogs.
Photo by Tom Masson/AFP
Alain Delon’s funeral will take place at 4 PM in the private chapel of La Brûlerie estate, which the star acquired in 1971. Only about fifty close friends and family, including his three children, Anthony, Anouchka, and Alain-Fabien, are invited to this closed ceremony, respecting the actor’s last wishes.
Monsignor Jean-Michel Di Falco, the former bishop of Gap, aged 82, will officiate this religious service. This was a personal choice by Alain Delon, who had known this prelate, reputed for his close ties with celebrities, for a long time. Monsignor Di Falco had already officiated in 2017, in the same chapel at Douchy, at the funeral of Mireille Darc, who shared the actor’s life for 15 years.
The choice of Douchy as his final resting place is not a coincidence.
In a 2018 interview, Alain Delon spoke of the intensity of his faith, mentioning his “mad passion” for the Virgin Mary, “the woman in the world [he] loves the most.” This spiritual attachment guided his decision to rest on these Loiret lands, which were so dear to his heart.

It is surrounded by his faithful four-legged companions that the cinema legend wished to be buried, in a vault built in 2011 within his chapel. This wish was granted thanks to a special exemption, exceptionally granted by the authorities this Tuesday.
Photo by Tom Masson/AFP
A Final Journey Far from Official Honors
Unlike the national tribute given to his eternal friend and rival, Jean-Paul Belmondo, in 2021, Alain Delon expressly requested a farewell marked by sobriety and discretion. No public ceremony, no official honors for this final journey of the man who will forever be the Samurai of French cinema.
This wish was scrupulously respected by his children, who were deeply moved by the countless expressions of affection received from around the world. “We are extremely touched by the fervor and affection shown by his audience,” they said in a heartfelt message on Wednesday.
While the funeral itself will remain strictly private, the public’s emotion knows no bounds. Since the announcement of the actor’s death, fans and admirers have flocked to the gates of the Douchy estate to sign condolence books and lay flowers in homage to their beloved idol.
This spontaneous outpouring has deeply touched Anouchka Delon, who has been seen in recent days comforting these grieving fans with great simplicity. “I wanted to be as close to him as possible,” confided Thierry Saint-Luc Pault, a fan who traveled from Nice to bid his hero a final farewell.

Photo by Tom Masson/AFP
A Significant Security Presence
To ensure the intimate nature of this farewell, a significant security presence has been established around the property. Dozens of gendarmes and agents were deployed to keep onlookers at a distance, even cutting off certain access roads leading to the estate.
In the peaceful village of Douchy, discretion is also the order of the day. While local florist Agnès Bourgoin confirms having received several orders from funeral guests, no details about their identities have been disclosed, out of respect for the family’s wishes.
Among the personalities who will not be in attendance this Saturday, Hiromi Rollin stands out for her absence.
Hiromi Rollin, who has been presented in recent months as the actor’s companion, will not be present. Her presence is apparently not desired by Alain Delon’s inner circle, who have distanced themselves from the woman who claimed to share the star’s life in his later years.
While blood and friendship will guide the guests at this Funeral, the world of Cinema is expected to remain discreet.
The presence of Paul Belmondo, son of Jean-Paul and Alain Delon’s godson, remains uncertain at this stage, given the strictly private nature of the ceremony, which has been repeatedly emphasized by the family.
Photo by Guillaume Souvant/AFP
Loubo, Faithful Canine Companion, Will Continue His Life at Douchy
Another discreet presence at this farewell will be that of Loubo, Alain Delon’s Belgian Malinois. Contrary to the wishes once expressed by the actor, the loyal dog will not join his master in death. Taken in by the star’s close family, he will continue his peaceful life on the Douchy estate where he grew up, surrounded by the affection of his loved ones.
While Douchy will be the site of intimate farewells to Alain Delon this Saturday, it is in Paris that French cinema may also pay a final tribute to this giant of the 7th art. A “professional ceremony,” mentioned for late September in a church in the capital, would allow his peers and the public to honor the memory of this cinema legend, who reigned supreme for over half a century.
Photo by Guillaume Souvant/AFP
With AFP
Béatrice Moreau
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