Geagea: FPM is Responsible for the Crisis in Lebanon
The leader of the Lebanese Forces (LF), Samir Geagea, held the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) and its ally, the Amal-Hezbollah duo, "responsible for the crisis ravaging the country," hence the need to "confront them now that the nature and causes of this collapse are known to all Lebanese."

In a speech delivered at the annual dinner for Radio Free Lebanon (RLL), Geagea attacked the axis of resistance, which, by "involving Lebanon in a conflict that is not its own (the war between Hamas and Israel), has destroyed the fundamental structures of the state." Thus, due to its "alliance with the most corrupt axis in the country, the FPM has allowed the depravity of the country, now under the control of a group that opposes any form of change."

Accusing the FPM of "putting its interests before those of the nation," the leader of the LF pointed the finger at the "opportunistic policies" of the Orange party, which have "led to the paralysis of institutions and prevented any reform."

"After six years of governance, with a president from their side and a majority in both parliament and government, the FPM has failed and has not even acknowledged its mistakes to remedy them," said Geagea. He insisted that "Lebanon needs a radical change and a clear vision for the future," specifying that the "Lebanese are now ready to support any real reform effort."

Praising the opposition's attempts to constantly work towards a rescue policy, the LF leader called on centrist MPs to "take clear, decisive, and bold positions" on "fundamental issues that involve the country's future."
This Is Beirut
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