Behind the (Secret) Scenes of Lebanese Sports (16)
- A cold handshake took place between the current president of the Lebanese Olympic Committee, Pierre Jalkh, and his predecessor, General Souheil Khoury, on the sidelines of a recent press conference.

- A major dispute has arisen between members of an individual non-Olympic discipline, prompting the federation's president to organize individual meetings with several club officials to coordinate efforts.

- Several members of the Volleyball Federation are attempting to remove a manager from a sensitive position in the elections due to be held in several months' time, while others are firmly behind the manager.

- One player in an individual Olympic discipline has decided not to stand for election to the administrative committee, convinced that the elections will not be by acclamation but will be an electoral battle between two lists.

- A big club in the north of the country, in a well-known team sport, has started to draw up a strategy to prepare its team for the next season, with the aim of winning the title.

- A major conflict has arisen between a senior official and an international referee, despite attempts by some to reconcile the two.

- Politicians, including members of parliament, are increasingly present at matches in one team sport, after politicians have attended matches in another team sport.

- A conflict broke out within a combat discipline between the president of the federation and its vice-president, leading to the suspension of the latter by decision of the federation's administrative committee.

- The vice-president of a federation and its former president proposed appointing a candidate from the north of the country to the administrative committee, to replace a current northern member.

- A prominent Beirut businessman promised a substantial financial reward to the technical team and players of a team vying for the championship title, should they win.

- The president of a well-known federation proposed to appoint a candidate from the North to a sensitive position on the next administrative committee.

- The name of a great basketball player is circulating for a transfer to a well-known club for next season's Lebanese championship, and things are looking good.

- The next duel in the world of rallies will probably pit several young drivers against each other, led by Alex Feghali and Karl Rizk. Feghali won the Spring Rally in its last edition, while Karl Rizk finished third.
This Is Beirut
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