Syrian Forces Clash With Hezb-Linked Smugglers Near Homs
©(HO / SANA / AFP)
Clashes broke out near the Syrian city of Homs on Sunday between members of the security forces and a group “involved in drug smuggling” close to Hezbollah, reported the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

The clashes took place near the village of Al-Kam, in the northern Homs countryside, where RPG shell explosions were heard during the clashes, OSDH reported. So far, no casualties have been reported.

According to this London-based Syrian NGO, which specializes in monitoring the Syrian conflict, the regime forces involved are affiliated with military intelligence and the anti-drug war. The group of traffickers is said to be headed by an individual named “Jaafar Jaafar”, reputedly close to Hezbollah.

Security forces targeted offices specializing in the sale of smuggled cars from Lebanon.

A few days earlier, the SOHR reported that residents of the Al-Abasiyah district of Homs had called on the regime to intervene against the proliferation of gunmen.

According to the SOHR, this is the main stronghold of groups linked to the pro-Iranian formation at local level, as well as a hub for drug trafficking.

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