Partial Elections at the Order of Physicians
The list made up of members of Hezbollah, the Amal Movement, the Free Patriotic Movement and independents won the partial election of the Lebanese Order of Physicians in Beirut.

The elections took place on Sunday at the headquarters of the Order, under the supervision of its president, Dr. Youssef Bakhache, and the representative of the Ministry of Health, Joseph Helou.

Four new members were elected to replace three Shiite doctors and one Christian, maintaining the traditional confessional balance. The newly elected members are doctors Jaafar Fadl Abbas, Ali Moussa Houmani, Raef Khalil Rida and William Nabih Moawad.

Each member of the Council, as well as the President, is elected for a three-year term. Each year, a ballot is held to replace four outgoing members.

During the elections on Sunday, the general meeting also approved the annual accounts.

In the same context, the Future Movement announced the victory of the list it supported in the partial elections to the North Lebanon Order of Physicians. Dr. Mohammad Safi, President of the Order, announced the results: Yahya Saleh and Hala Abdallah (Future Movement), and Ibrahim Makdissi, supported by Sleiman Frangieh's Marada.

Salim Abi Saleh was automatically elected as the investment fund supervisor, with Faisal Trad and Rachad Alammeddine elected as assistant supervisors.
This Is Beirut
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