LF Roadmap Ahead of Bkerke Meeting
Those close to the Lebanese Forces (LF) claim that coordination between Bkerke and the LF is continuing and that the pastor of the Maronite diocese of Antelias, Archbishop Antoine Bou Najem, is playing a role in bringing the Christian forces closer together.

Last year, the prelate launched an initiative mandated by Patriarch Bechara Rai during which he met with the political forces, but this did not produce the expected results for a meeting of the Christian forces: the Lebanese Forces, Free Patriotic Movement, Kataeb and Marada Movement (and the president of the Independence Movement Michel Moawad).

Previous attempts to reunite Christian forces in Bkerke had failed due to the refusal of Samir Geagea, Sleiman Frangieh, Samy Gemayel and Michel Moawad to meet Gebran Bassil.

According to sources, the Vatican and officials from Western and Arab countries intervened to bring the Christians together in Bkerke and have them agree to meet the deadline in order to absolve themselves of any accusation that they were responsible for the failure to elect a president.

In anticipation of the forthcoming meeting, should the efforts succeed, the head of the Lebanese Forces has asked certain officials to prepare a working document comprising a diagnosis of the situation, Christian and national political principles, objectives and a roadmap. The eight-page working document has been given to the Patriarch for review, and further meetings will be held to discuss its content.

If it is agreed that the Christian forces will meet, one of the working documents will be on the negotiating table. According to Forces circles, the events facing Lebanon are not ordinary but decisive and existential. The political situation is complex because some people are letting themselves be dragged along by foreign agendas, which makes the situation worse. The document will be the keystone of the agreement because it is inclusive. The dispute between the Christians is based on a set of principles on which agreement must be reached. The document serves as a framework for research, the aim of which is to consolidate the position and vision for Lebanon's future.
This Is Beirut
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