National Moderation Initiative: Hezbollah Calls for Time to Reflect
It is becoming increasingly difficult for the National Moderation parliamentary bloc, composed mainly of former Hariri supporters, to push through its initiative to break the deadlock in the presidential election.

Kataeb practically rejected it. The Lebanese Forces, for whom "the devil is in the detail," are skeptical about its final outcome. And Hezbollah has just called for a period of reflection to examine it.

The initiative in question consists of holding parliamentary consultations on the presidential election at Parliament, following which MPs will call for an electoral session with successive rounds until a president is elected.

A delegation from the National Moderation bloc met with the head of Hezbollah's parliamentary bloc, Mohammad Raad, on Monday, in the presence of MP Amin Sherri.

While Raad welcomed the initiative, he refrained from commenting on it, asking several questions to his colleagues, notably about the mechanism of the planned consultations. In particular, he wondered who would chair or moderate them, before announcing to his hosts that his bloc intended to reflect on the matter before giving them a definitive answer.

In the meantime, he repeatedly stressed the importance of reaching an agreement, which he felt was the only way to break the deadlock in the presidential election.
This Is Beirut
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