Geagea: Lebanese Do Not Trust Hezbollah and Its Allies
The leader of the Lebanese Forces (LF), Samir Geagea, reiterated his criticism on Wednesday of the Speaker of the House, Nabih Berri, accusing him, without explicitly naming him, of “double standards.”

During a meeting in Maarab with the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Joanna Wronecka, Geagea expressed his surprise at the “double standards of the camp, allied with Hezbollah, which blocks the presidential election under the pretext of necessitating prior dialogue, and appropriates the right to decide the fate and security of the Lebanese without seeking their opinion.”

He lamented that “foreign countries consider the opposing camp (Amal and Hezbollah) as the official representatives of Lebanon, even though the 2022 legislative elections have changed the balance of political forces in the country.”  Geagea alluded to the fact that this camp “no longer holds the majority.”

“It also reflects only one point of view, that of the Moumanaa (the Iranian axis), while the majority of the Lebanese have different opinions, priorities and hopes,” he added.

Geagea emphasized the need for foreign envoys in Lebanon to multiply their visits to Beirut and “not only rely on one point of view without taking into account the current political dynamics.”

According to him, “the Lebanese refuse to have their fate decided by a party they do not trust.”

“We will not allow what has been achieved through the Taif Agreement and the international resolutions that followed to be of no use. We want them to be fully implemented, not partially, as some are trying to negotiate today,” he continued.

Geagea also thanked Wronecka for the constant efforts of the United Nations “to ensure the security and stability of Lebanon.” He also recalled that the matter of the August 4, 2020 explosion at the port of Beirut “must not be forgotten,” insisting on the need to “form an international commission of inquiry for a crime that shook not only the capital of Lebanon, but also the whole world.”

This Is Beirut
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